Sunday, September 4, 2011

Smoke 'em if you got 'em

Testes, one, two...hello is this thing on?

I hereby am officially doing something I said I'd never do: blog.  Most bloggers are annoying.  And, speaking of annoying, it's taken me an hour to get this set up.  Actually, it's taken my wife an hour, as I was ready to throw in the towel a half hour ago.  Lots of hassle for something four people will see...

The idea for this was spawned last spring, when I decided to spend a good portion of the late spring and summer months working my way through Steven Raichlen's rib bible, appropriately titled "Ribs, Ribs, Ribs" tackling the recipes featured therein in succession.  And so it began.

The place: my backyard in Napa, CA.
The original equipment: a good old fashioned Weber kettle grill.  Old school.

We worked our way over the sunny spring and summer months through the first handful of rib recipes, making it all the way to the "Chino Latino Barbecued Ribs with Guava BBQ Sauce."  By and large, the results were consistantly good, according to my family and friends and own pallat.  The variable was usually the ability (or lack of) to control heat properly on the Weber. 

But that all changed in late July, when my family got me a new Weber Smokey Mountain Cooker (a.k.a. "The Bullet") for my birthday.  It was time to start the adventure anew!  And so we did.

Here lies the adventures of a man in his backyard, with family, friends, lots of great Napa Valley wine, and ribs.

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