Ribsters: Stults family, Pomeranian family, JR and Tasha McDonald, Michael and Jennifer Haley
Holy smokes. Back to back killer rib recipes.

According to Steven Raichlen's rib bible, "Ribs Ribs Ribs," this recipe is inspired by a southern tradition of cooking with coffee grounds. Those crazy southerners...
The key to these ribs is the rub, which features a heavy dose of coffee grounds, and the BBQ sauce, which also has brewed coffee in it, but oddly comes out tasting like delicious cream of tomato soup.
In addition to coffee grounds, the rub features other ingredients associated with Cafe Au Lait, such as cinnamon. The ribs were rubbed and spent two hours chilling in the fridge. They went on the smoker at 2pm and were basted each hour with a butter and bourbon mop sauce. After four hours I started slathering the ribs with the Cafe Au Lait BBQ sauce. They came off the smoker at 7pm, falling off the bone tender. Yum.
I forgot to mention it was about 100 degrees here in Napa yesterday. A bit toasty to be standing around a smoker. But a man's gotta do what a man's gotta do.
The ribs were amazing, as were all the wonderful side dishes our friends brought.
We enjoyed the ribs with a plethora of white and pink wines. Anything cold! Among the whites were Sauvignon Blancs from Ledson, Alpha Omega and our home made wine Dump Bucket. The pinks included Saintsbury, Boyd Family and Goldeneye, as well as some Aussie wine brought by Crispy. If that sounds like a lot of wine, well, it was. Especially as JR stuck with his signature 12 pack of Coors Light.
Some comments from the attending ribsters:
Lindsey, the recent high school grad and prim and proper Texas transplant, initially did not take any ribs, but finally broke down, noting "They were good enough for the messiness.". (I'll take that as a compliment.)
Her mom Stacey said she liked the contrast between tenderness of the meat and the crunchiness of the crust.
Crispy said,"I like eggs.". He added the ribs were "Cafe-o-licious!"
My wife Gill said these ribs were her favorites so far. "The sauce is a great compliment to the crust."
My daughter Eilidh said they were "really good."
Jennifer Haley said the BBQ sauce was "good enough to drink."
Her hubby Michael Haley said "they were so beautiful I nearly cried like a baby." To which Tashsa proclaimed "corny" only to be misheard by Michael as "horny.". And then things got interesting. Did I mention there was a lot of wine?
JR said they were great with a 12 pack of Coors Light.